Monday, November 28, 2016

#11 A local temperature recording form (PHILIP)

As I walks through our clinic for inspections, I met a Nurse busy recording the daily cold chain Refrigerator 'out side' Temperature. She shown it to me and I said to the Nurse - Yes, this is a example of the good record keeping.

The photo below was also taken when the same Nurse was responding to my question about: Vaccines Tally Sheet Record for the clinic.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

#6 Temperature sensitive product being administered (KEHINDE)

#6 Temperature sensutive product been administered to a baby in one of our health facility in Oyo State Nigeria.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

#10 - A health worker in Immunization Outreach (AUN)

RATANAKIRI, Cambodia: The outreach team of two male staff and one midwife from the health centre need to travel by motorbike, then boat to cross the river and again by motorbike or ox cart. The village is about 40 kilometers which take at least 2 hours travel and longer time, especially difficult during the rainy season.

Vaccines are kept in the vaccine carrier with conditioned ice packs. Vaccines are also kept in the plastic zipped lock. No Freeze Tag included in the vaccine carrier. The vaccine carrier is not well protected from sun light during transport.